The reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission today (December 15) released its report and recommended to the General Assembly adjustments to the state’s special education funding formula, according to co-chairs of the commission Senate Majority Appropriations Chairman Pat Browne (R-Lehigh), House Education Chairman Curtis Sonney (R-Erie) and Education Secretary Noe Ortega.

The reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission was established under Act 16 of 2019 to review the current formula that determines special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania.

The commission recommended in the report revisions to the special education funding formula’s student weights based on results from a recent Independent Fiscal Office (IFO) survey that updated data since the current formula is based on Fiscal Year 2011-12 numbers.

The weighting factor changes are as follows:

  • Category 1 from 1.51 to 1.64 (Student costs are less than $26,718)
  • Category 2 from 3.77 to 3.08 (Student costs range between $26,718 and $53,436)
  • Category 3 from 7.46 to 6.34 (Students costs are over $53,436)

In addition, the commission recommended using a three-year average of the student headcounts in each cost category instead of one-year average to give more predictability to school districts. The formula still includes factors reflecting community differences such as market value/personal income aid ratio, equalized millage rate and small and rural school districts.

“These recommendations by the commission and adjustments to the special education funding formula reflected by the information produced by the IFO build off the work done by the original Special Education Funding Commission back in 2013 by updating the formula to reflect more recent data,” Senator Browne said. “In addition, these recommendations provide more clarity and consistency for school districts regarding its projected special education costs in planning yearly budgets. These recommendations continue to consider the actual number of students needing specialized education services and refine how the actual needs of each student can be addressed.”

Other recommendations made by the commission include:

  • Providing predictability to school districts when budgeting, setting – freezing – the data used in the annual distribution of special education funding as of June 1 prior to the budget year.
  • Charging the Department of Education with collecting data for the next reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission to determine if there is a need to provide a new subset under Category 1 in the weighted student head counts that would better represent student costs. Category 1 contains the highest number of special education students (89 percent).
  • Providing greater transparency by posting the special education contingency fund awards on the Department of Education’s publicly accessible website along with the Act 16 report data, including Category 1 counts.
  • Setting a date for the next reconstitution of the Special Education Funding Commission for January 15, 2024 with the duty to make a report to the General Assembly no later than November 30, 2024.

“The pandemic has been especially difficult for our special education students and has resulted in more students being identified,” Rep. Sonney said. “The commission’s recommended changes will help to ensure that funds are distributed in a more equitable manner to provide more stability and transparency.”

The commission also made recommendations regarding the Special Education Contingency Fund. These recommendations include the consideration of changes to the contingency fund set-aside in light of the overall amount of funding available for Special Education. The report recognizes that any increase in the contingency fund set-aside without a proportionate increase to the overall appropriation level will negatively impact and reduce the general special education funding distributed through the formula to school districts. The commission recommended that if there is addition funding added to the contingency fund that the distribution of those funds be based on the cost of the student compared to the applicant’s total special education instruction costs. 

In addition to Senator Browne, Rep. Sonney and Sec. Ortega, commission members included: Senators Maria Collett (D-12), Tim Kearney (D-26), Scott Martin (R-13), Bob Mensch (R-24) and Lindsey Williams (D-38); Representatives Joe Ciresi (D-146), George Dunbar (R-56), Mark Longietti (D-7), Mike Sturla (D-96) and Jesse Topper (R-78); Sherri Smith, Acting Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education and Greg Thall, Secretary of the Budget.  

State funding for special education is slightly more than $1.2 billion a year with an increase of $50 million in the Fiscal Year 2021-22 state budget. In schools with adequate resources, academic achievement for children with disabilities averages close to the results for all students.

The Special Education Funding Commission was originally established in Act 3 of 2013 to review and make recommendations regarding special education funding that determines how much each school district receives in special education payments. That commission was co-chaired by Senator Browne and Representative Bernie O’Neill.

The current special education funding formula, one of the original commission’s recommendations in 2013, was enacted and took effect for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The formula directs dollars to school districts that have the greatest need for additional resources based upon the cost of each special education student.

For more information on the report recommended by the commission, visit or


Matt Moyer (Sen. Browne)        – (717) 787-1349          

Tracy Polovick (Rep. Sonney)   – (717) 260-6222

Reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission to Review Current Special Education Funding Formula

WHAT: The Reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission, established under Act 16 of 2019 and led by Senate Majority Appropriations Chairman Pat Browne (R-Lehigh), House Majority Education Chairman Curtis Sonney (R-Erie) and Education Secretary Noe Ortega, will meet to review the current formula that determines special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania.

An original 15-member commission was created by Act 3 of 2013 and tasked with developing a new formula for distributing state funding to Pennsylvania school districts for special education. The current special education funding formula was enacted and took effect for the 2014-15 fiscal year. The formula directs dollars to school districts that have the greatest need for additional resources based upon the cost of each special education student.

WHO: Browne, Sonney, Ortega and members of the reconstituted Special Education Funding Commission.

WHEN: Wednesday, Dec. 15 at 10 a.m.

WHERE:   140 Main Capitol Building (House Majority Caucus Room)

                   State Capitol, Harrisburg.

Barring any unforeseen technical difficulties, the hearing will stream live at and


Matt Moyer (Senator Browne) – 717-787-1349

Tracy Polovick (Rep. Sonney) – 717-260-6358

Meeting to consider recommendations for special education funding

Pennsylvania Special Education Funding Formula Commission

Wednesday, December 15, 2021 | 10:00 a.m.

Room 140, Main Capitol


Meeting to consider recommendations for special education funding




Public Hearing – Southern Lehigh SD High School


Pennsylvania Special Education Funding Commission

October 8, 2019 – 10 AM

Southern Lehigh SD High School

10:00 am
Welcome by Chairman Browne

10:05 am
Introduction of the Co-Chairs and Commission Members

10:10 am
Presentation by Intermediate Units:

Dr. Elaine Eib, Executive Director, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21
Dr. Christopher Wolfel, Executive Director, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
Dr. Mark Scott, Asst. Director of Special Programs and  Services, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21
Mr. James McDonald, Director of Behavioral Health Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
Dr. Ron Prator, Supervisor of Behavioral Health Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20

10:35 am
Rick Amato, Principal, Broughal Middle School, Bethlehem School District

11:00 am
Kathleen Evison, Superintendent, Southern Lehigh School District
Emily Gehman, President, Southern Lehigh School Board
Richard Sniscak, Superintendent, Parkland School District
Thomas Parker, Superintendent, Allentown School District

11:30 am
Reynelle Brown Staley, Policy Director, Education Law Center
David Lapp, Research for Action

11:45 am
Katie Yost, Director of Government and Chapter Relations, The Arc of Pennsylvania

Public Hearing – Manheim Township


Pennsylvania Special Education Funding Commission

October 7, 2019 – 1:00 p.m.

Manheim Township SD District Office

1:00 pm
Welcome by Senator Martin

1:05 pm
Introduction of Co-Chairs and Commission Members

1:10 pm
Presentation by Intermediate Units:

Introduction by Dr. Jill Hackman, Executive Director, Berks County IU #14
Mrs. Sherry Zubeck, Lancaster-Lebanon IU13 Director of Early Childhood and Special Education Services
Mrs. Michelle Reichard-Huff, Berks County IU14 Director of Early Childhood and Student Services
Dr. Theresa Kreider, Penn Manor School District Director of Student Support Services

1:40 pm
Trauma panel:

Kathleen Reeves, MD, FAAP, Senior Associate Dean Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Director Center for Bioethics, Urban Health and Policy, Professor of Pediatrics, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Alice Yoder, Director Community Health at Lancaster General Hospital

Chris Echterling MD, Medical Director for Vulnerable Populations, WellSpan Health

2:00 pm
Manheim Township School District:

Mrs. Donna Robbins, Chief Operating Officer
Mrs. Joni Lefever, Director of Pupil Services
Dr. Robin Felty, Superintendent

2:20 pm
Aaron Chapin, Vice President, PSEA

2:40 pm
Matt Przywara, Business Manager, Lancaster School District
Edith Gallagher, Board President, Lancaster School District
Dr. Mike Leichliter, Superintendent, Penn Manor School District
Joe Fullerton, Board Member & Principal, Penn Manor School District

3:00 pm
Dr. Kali Fedor – PAGE President
Dr. Matthew Zakreski – PAGE Board Member


WHAT:           The Special Education Funding Commission will hold its fourth public hearing tomorrow (Tuesday) to continue to receive testimony and discussion on the current formula for distributing special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania.

                        The Special Education Funding Commission, which was established in Act 3 of 2013 to review and make recommendations regarding special education funding, has been reconstituted to review the current funding formula. A provision in Act 3 required the commission to meet every five years and reevaluate the state of special education funding in Pennsylvania. Act 16 of 2019, which became law in June, directed the commission to focus its review on the formula which distributes funding for special education services to school districts.

WHO:             Special Education Funding Commission, co-chaired by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Pat Browne (R-Lehigh), House Education Committee Chairman Curtis Sonney (R-Erie) and Education Secretary Pedro Rivera. The hearing will be held in the district of commission co-chair Senator Browne.

WHEN:           Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 10 a.m.

WHERE:        Southern Lehigh High School

                        5800 Main Street

                        Center Valley, PA 18034

Tentatively scheduled to testify include:

  • Elaine Eib, Executive Director, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21
  • Christopher Wolfel, Executive Director, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
  • Mark Scott, Asst. Director of Special Programs and Services, Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit 21
  • James McDonald, Director of Behavioral Health Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
  • Ron Prator, Supervisor of Behavioral Health Services, Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 
  • Rick Amato, Principal, Broughal Middle School, Bethlehem School District
  • Kathleen Evison, Superintendent, Southern Lehigh School District        
  • Emily Gehman, President, Southern Lehigh School Board
  • Richard Sniscak, Superintendent, Parkland School District         
  • Thomas Parker, Superintendent, Allentown School District        
  • Reynelle Brown Staley, Policy Director, Education Law Center
  • David Lapp, Research for Action
  • Katie Yost, Director of Government and Chapter Relations, The Arc of Pennsylvania

We invite the media to attend and cover this event.



Vicki Wilken (Senator Browne) – 717-787-1349
Matt Moyer (Senator Browne) – 717-787-1349
Brooke Haskell (Rep. Sonney) – 717-260-6351
Eric Levis (Secretary Rivera) – 717-783-9803


WHAT:   The Special Education Funding Commission will hold its second public hearing this week to continue to receive testimony and discussion on the current formula for distributing special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania.

The Special Education Funding Commission, which was established in Act 3 of 2013 to review and make recommendations regarding special education funding, has been reconstituted to review the current funding formula. A provision in Act 3 required the commission to meet every five years and reevaluate the state of special education funding in Pennsylvania. Act 16 of 2019, which became law in June, directed the commission to focus its review on the formula which distributes funding for special education services to school districts.

WHO:      Special Education Funding Commission, co-chaired by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Pat Browne (R-Lehigh), House Education Committee Chairman Curtis Sonney (R-Erie) and Education Secretary Pedro Rivera.

Tentatively scheduled to testify include:

  • Christy Carucci, IU5 Special Education Director    
  • Bea Habursky, Assistant Superintendent, Erie City School District
  • Angela Kownacki, Special Education Director, Erie City School District
  • Stacey Mulson, Special Education Director, Union City Area School District  
  • Dean Maynard, IU5 Executive Director    
  • Wayde Killmeyer, IU4 Executive Director    
  • LaReina George, Supervisor of Student Services, Sharon City School District
  • Tresa Templeton, Business Manager, Sharon City School District       
  • Donna Miller, Superintendent, Girard School District
  • Robert Snyder, School Board President, Girard School District
  • Richard Scaletta, Superintendent, General McLane School District
  • Carrie Crow, School Board President, General McLane School District
  • Karl Dolak, Business Manager, Harbor Creek School District 

WHEN:           Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 10 a.m.

WHERE:        Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit
                            252 Waterford Street
                           Edinboro, PA 16142                       


We invite the media to attend and cover this event.


Vicki Wilken (Senator Browne) – 717-787-1349
Matt Moyer (Senator Browne) – 717-787-1349
Brooke Haskell (Rep. Sonney) – 717-260-6351
Nicole Reigelman (Secretary Rivera) – 717-705-8642

Public Hearing – Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit


VIDEO: Special Education Funding Commission hearing on the current formula for distributing special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania.

Special Education Funding Commission

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 | 10:00 a.m.

Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit | Edinboro, Erie County

10:00 am
Welcome by Commission Co-Chairs

10:05 am
Introduction of Commission Members

10:10 am
Christy Carucci, IU5 Special Education Director
Bea Habursky, Assistant Superintendent and Angela Kownacki, Special Education Director, Erie City School District
Stacey Mulson, Special Education Director, Union City Area School District
Dean Maynard, IU5 Executive Director

10:55 am
Wayde Killmeyer, IU4 Executive Director
LaReina George, Supervisor of Student Services and Tresa Templeton, Business Manager, Sharon City School District

11:15 am
Donna Miller, Superintendent and Robert Snyder, School Board President, Girard School District
Richard Scaletta, Superintendent and Carrie Crow, School Board President, General McLane School District

11:35 am
Karl Dolak, Business Manager, Harbor Creek School District

Public Hearing – Moon Township School District


VIDEO: Special Education Funding Commission hearing on the current formula for distributing special education payments to school districts in Pennsylvania, held at the Moon Township School District Central Administrative Office.

Special Education Funding Commission

Tuesday, October 1, 2019 | 1:00 p.m.

Moon Township School District Central Administrative Office

1:00 pm
Welcome by Senator Iovino

1:05 pm
Introduction of Co-Chairs and Commission Members

1:10 pm
Presentation by Intermediate Units:

James Wagner, Executive Director of ARINIU #28 – history of special education and implications for services for children
Matt Thomas, Director of SpecialEducation for Westmoreland IU 7 – overview of the types of services provided through special education funding
Thomas Shetterly, Director of Finances,Intermediate Unit 1 – fiscal underpinnings of district and IU special education programs

1:45 pm

John Calllahan, Chief Advocacy Officer, PA School Boards Association

Hannah Barrick, Assistant Executive Director – Combined Testimony
Jay Himes, Leadership Advisor – Combined Testimony
PA Association of School Business Officials

2:15 pm

Chelsea Campolongo, Business Manager, South Park School District
Robert Geletko, Director of Business, Mt. Lebanon School District

2:45 pm
Ann Herrmann,Executive Director, Pittsburgh School District New Program for Students with Exceptionalities

3:15 pm
Cindy Duch, Director of Parent Advising
Parent Education and Advocacy Leadership Center

Additional Testimony

Donald W Martin, Executive Director, Intermediate Unit 1